League Format

Complete challenges with your team throughout the year to earn your school a spot at Regionals and Nationals!

Build Your Team

  • Teams can be 1 or more participants.
  • Students must be 13+ to participate.
  • Students 12 and under see Junior League
  • Teams typically have coders, artists, and sound/music designers, however you may structure your team however you'd like.
  • Students can be part of multiple teams but each student may only represent one team during Regionals and Nationals.
  • Team members must be affiliated with the same school or organization.

How it works

  1. Once registered, your team will be presented with a set of coding challenges, where you may be asked to code an app.
  2. You can take as long as you'd like for each of these challenges. Once complete, submit your challenge and earn points for your submission.
  3. Earn 50 or more points to make it to the regionals.

Coding Language

  • Games must be created using Python or Block-based programming.

Earn Points

Challenge Format Mini Challenges Major Challenges
Description Mini challenges are designed to be completed in a short period of time. You can do as many as you'd like, with no limits! Major challenges are long form challenges that start and end on a certain days. You can spend as long as you'd like on your projects, but you only have 30 days to submit a project.
Timing Anytime Set dates, each with a duration of 30 days.
Registration Anytime Required - closes a week before the submission deadline.
Resubmissions Up to 10 per year Cannot resubmit
Expected Time Commitment 1 Hour 5+ Hours
Points Awarded Up to 3 Up to 20
Example Challenge Mini Example Major Example

Mini Challenges


Programming challenges designed for completion within a day






Up to 10 per year

Expected Time Commitment

1 Hour

Points Awarded

Up to 3

Major Challenges


Themed programming challenges to be completed in 1-30 days


Set dates, each with a duration of 30 days.


Required - closes a week before the submission deadline.


Cannot resubmit

Expected Time Commitment

20+ Hours

Points Awarded

Up to 20

Collect 50 points to Qualify for the Regionals!


Pre-Season & Registration

Sept 23 - Nov 25, 2024

Autumn Challenge

Nov 25 - Dec 20, 2024

Winter Challenge

Jan 6 - Jan 31, 2025


Feb 17 - Mar 14, 2025


Apr 7 - May 2, 2025

Mini-Challenge Rubric (3 points)

Code Wizard

Got an app that runs smoother than butter? No errors, no crashes? You're a true Code Wizard!

(1 point)

Original & Creative

Get a point for rocking original assets, art, music, and backgrounds that you've made!

(1 point)

Pixel Perfect

When everything just clicks and your game has that extra sprinkle of awesomeness... you've earned this! It's our high-five for those little touches that make us go 'Wow!'

(1 point)

Major Challenge Rubric (20 points)

This is the highest score that can be given. There’s no such thing as a truly perfect game, but those that earn a Masterpiece label come as close as we could reasonably hope for.

These are ambitious, innovative games succeed in ways few have. They show technical excellence, fit the theme well, has unique sounds, music and sprites, and executed extremely well

These projects are indistinguishable from professionally made games
Giving a game the Fantastic label means that something about it seriously impresses you, whether it's a brilliant new idea or an exceptional twist on an old one.

These are excellent games that can be recommended to a friend without hesitation.

These games leave us with something to remember them by, this could be a novel gameplay idea for single-player or multiplayer, clever characters and writing, notable graphics and sound, or some combination of the above. If there are any flaws, there are more than enough excellent qualities to compensate.

They are examples of consistently sound design or of a novel concept that has been well-developed around a functional core. A game that is memorable for its execution.
These games are good, but come with some “ifs.” This would be a good game “if only { … }” This is an “average” game.

For example: if only they added original sprites, if only they fixed this one bug.

Games with a Good score have good parts, but uneven overall execution.

A bit average, these games might still possess quirks or aspects that appeal to certain players.
An OK score indicates the project has done poorly in design, execution or basic functionality

Game may have some interesting elements, but was left unfinished, or did not fit theme

Overall the project was unfinished and / or did not fit the theme.
Game cannot be played


Appropriate Content Only

Submissions must be suitable for all ages (G-rated). This includes all text, audio, and visual content. Avoid any depictions of real-world violence, including guns and knives. Jokes or content that may be considered risqué are strictly prohibited.

Non-Political Environment

To maintain a focus on coding and collaboration, please refrain from including political themes or messages in your submissions.

Fantasy Elements Permitted

Fantasy and fictional elements such as laser guns and swords are allowed. This encourages creativity while maintaining a separation from realistic violence.

Respect and Inclusivity

All participants must conduct themselves respectfully, fostering an environment of inclusivity and learning. Disrespectful language or behavior towards others will not be tolerated.

Originality and Integrity

Each submission must be the original work of the submitting student or team. Plagiarism of code, designs, or ideas is strictly forbidden and will result in disqualification.

Team Collaboration Encouraged

Participants are encouraged to collaborate and support each other's learning and development. This fosters a spirit of community and enhances the collective experience of the coding league.